时间:2014-08-15 01:30 | 作者:Hida | 文章来源:【Hi-Fi粉丝团】 | 点击次数:800次
Avalon宣称“史上科技最先进”的Tesseract Statement旗舰喇叭终于发表了!先不谈Tesseract用了什么先进技术,光看造型就让人眼睛一亮,简直是把Avalon典型菱形切割造型发挥到了极致。
*Frequency response 16hz-50Khz (+ or-1db anechoic with minimum sub damping settings)
* No phase deviation or driver break-up modes within -46db of output
* No phase deviation greater than 4.2 degrees
* Constant driver to driver Q
* constant first derivative radiatinal output
*Relative harmonic distortion less than 30% throughout the passband
* Drive Complement ( per channel)
4*15" low Q high BI sub woofers
1x11" ceramic/ honeycomb underhung VC midbass
1x 4.5" ceramic underhung VC midrange
1x.78" diamond underhung VC tweeter
* Efficiency 92.5 db
*Recommended amplifier power 5-500 watts
* impedance 5 ohms nominal (4.6 ohms minimum)
* Less than 10 degrees of impedance phase deviation from 200 Hz to 50 Khz
*Powered and equlized proprietary isobaric transmission line
*power low frequency section impedance fo 5 ohms (+or-.3 Ohm)
*Phase of impedance deviation less than 10 degress
*Group delay error less than 1.5 milliseconds @ 16Hz
*2,500 watts peak output power per channce
*Adjustable gain matching
*Adjustable damping
*Low frequency turntavle rumble filter cutouff
* Height : 75 inches , 193 centimeters
*width 29 inches, 74 centimeters
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